EDcellerate’s CEO & founder, Sandra Dill, believes that a solid, quality education is the foundation for life-long success. The aim of EDcellerate is to provide guidance and support to college-bound students and their families as they navigate their journey from school to college and careers.

Sandra’s career as an educator spans over 35 years locally and abroad. Sandra’s experiences as a teacher, high school guidance counselor, Director of College Admissions, Workforce Training and Development Manager, organizer of the Bermuda International College & University Fair, and publisher of Bermuda’s only magazine focused on COLLEGE PREP 101 have provided her the knowledge and skills to offer informed support to individuals on their journey toward higher education. Sandra has a B.Sc. in Education, M.A. in Counseling, and M.Ed. in Educational Leadership.

As a student advocate, Sandra prides herself on assisting individuals in simplifying and demystifying the college preparation to enrolment process. Keeping abreast of current trends in the educational industry by spending about 30% of her time traveling to visit international colleges and schools and participating in local and international conferences throughout the year, thus expanding her professional network and knowledge so that she can most effectively support her clients.

Sandra delivers presentations at PTSA meetings and student advisories, and hosts workshops and seminars to the general public about college preparation and expectations. Throughout the year, Sandra provides personalized tutoring and college prep boot camps which include study and test-taking strategies, college and scholarship application coaching and character-building exercises.

As students navigate their academic path to finding and enrolling in the college of their choice, the support of EDcellerate is at their fingertips.