Pathways to college webinar series for S3 & S4 college-bound students (February Edition)

February 21, 2024|5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

In collaboration with Mirrors, EdCellerate presents this 5 session series for S3 & S4 college-bound students. Participants will prepare dynamic resumes, college essays, and their personal high school to college pathway plan. Students will log on to these highly i...

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Scholarship Application Pitch – Win $$ for college!!

March 28, 2024|5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Sponsored In collaboration with the BEDC and Mirrors. Come and see our Peer Leaders compete for scholarship dollars.  Students will present their pitch in front of panelists and then answer questions. This is a simulation of a real scholarship interview. Get ready to ...

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Scholarship Application Workshop

December 19, 2023|9:00 PM - 12:00 PM

OK, it’s time to your scholarship application. Ensure that your profile is complete, upload all documents, including financial means form completed by parents. The final step is now.  You will narrow down your scholarship list and write the essay. Prepare to hit submit...

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